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Writer's pictureGene Benjamin II





All Scripture is taken from the Son Of Man Bible (SOMB), e-Sword Bible program module for PC, Apple, Android, and Linux computers, available from and E-Sword is available at All FREE and LEGALLY FREED, of course, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Original work available at

We’re going to skip the Exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt and move to their second month out in the wilderness of Sin. Out here in the wilderness of Sin, the Israelites were about to be re-synchronized with the seventh-day Sabbath, as taught in Genesis 1 and 2.

Exodus 16:1, “The people journeyed on from Elim, and all the messianic congregation of Israelites came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second lunar month after their departure from the land of Egypt.”

This event begins only 30 days into the Israelite’s wilderness experience, after the Exodus from Egypt on the 15th of the 1st month. We are now at the 15th of the second month. You can see my spreadsheet that describes this manna experience and the re-alignment of Israel with the seventh-day Sabbath. You can email me at anapto2 at gmail dot com to receive your own personal copy of the manna spreadsheet. I begin the spreadsheet at the 1st day of the 1st month of the year of the Exodus, circa 1484 BC. The Exodus occurred in the 1st month. This Sabbath/manna re-synchronization with the weekly Sabbath occurred in the 2nd month of the Exodus year. As a side note, the Israelites arrived in the wilderness of Sin on what would have been a Sabbath, the 15th of the 2nd month, but they did not observe that Sabbath, because Yahweh had not yet told them to. He had planned to teach them with the manna miracle and did it over an entire shabuwa, or week. Notice the right-hand column of my spreadsheet, they arrived in the wilderness of Sin on the 45th day of the new year. As revealed in the account of the Great Flood of Noah, the biblical calendar at the time of Moses and the Exodus was that of a 360-day year, solar or lunar, or luni-solar. Each month had exactly 30 days in it. Thus 30 days in the 1st month, plus 15 days, brings us to the 15th of the 2nd month of that year, the 45th day of the year. If the children of Israel had been observing this Sabbath in the land of Canaan, this Sabbath on the 15th of the second month would have been the fourth Sabbath in the Omer count towards the Feast of Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks.

Yahweh’s promise prophecy of the manna, Exodus 16:4a, “Then Yahweh said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you.”” Verse 8a, “Moses also said, “You will know this when Yahweh gives you meat at sunset and bread at dawn to the full.”” Verse 12b, “At sunset you will eat meat, and at dawn you will be filled with bread.” Yahweh stated it 3 times, so the manna promise was set in stone, so to speak. As far as I can tell, Yahweh made this promise prophecy on the 15th of the second month of the Israelite wilderness experience. What was the first thing the Israelites did on that day, after arriving in the wilderness of Sin? They complained about not having enough food. Is the messianic congregation of Yahweh any different today? I don’t think so. We still whine, we still complain, and Yahweh keeps loving us. Anyway, Yahweh made this promise prophecy in response to their complaints.

The test of the Israelites’ faith as a nation begins in Exodus 16:4, “Then Yahweh said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people will go out and gather a day’s portion every day so that I may test them to see whether or not they will walk in my Torah.” Yahweh was about to test the Israelites to see if they will be obedient to his Torah. Will they do what He says, or will they rebel? What will we do today, dear viewer/reader? Will we obey Yahweh’s direct Sabbath teaching, or not? Genesis 2:1-3, “Then the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the living things that filled them. 2 On the sixth day the Almighty came to the end of his work which he had done, and so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. 3 The Almighty blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it he rested from all his work which he had done in his creation.” Yahweh set apart the seventh day of the first week of creation as a day of His own Sabbath rest. That verb there in verse three is the word shawbath, Shabbat, the very act of resting on Yahweh’s first holy day festival, the seventh-day Sabbath. We don’t get to pick and choose which commands of Yahweh we’re going to obey. We didn’t create the world or the Sabbath. Yahweh made the seventh day of the week to be our Sabbath day of rest. What is so difficult about this to understand?

Exodus 16:13-15, “It came about at sunset that quails came up and covered the camp. At dawn the dew lay round about the camp. 14 When the dew was gone, there on the surface of the wilderness were thin flakes like frost on the ground. 15 When the people of Israel saw it, they said one to another, “What is it?” They did not know what it was. Moses said to them, “It is the bread (lechem) that Yahweh has given you to eat.” That short question in verse 15, what is it? is the Hebrew word for manna, mawn, Strong’s # 4478. They didn’t know at first what it was, but once the dew dried, it became sweet frosty bread, and over 40 years of this, they learned what it was. It was kind of like your favorite breakfast cereal, only provided to them supernaturally. Notice, on the morning of the 1st day of the week, Sunday morning, they collected one day’s portion for each individual in each family. This first day of the shabuwa or re-synchronized week was Iyar, or Ziv 16, the 16th of the second month, in the first year of the wilderness experience, the year of the Exodus, circa 1484 BC. They followed the command of verse 16, to gather about 2.2 liters per person that day. They disobeyed by leaving some of it until the next morning, Monday, the 17th, showing a lack of faith. That did not please Yahweh and it made Moses angry.

The command for the sixth day: Exodus 16:5, “It will come about on the sixth day, that they will gather twice as much as what they gathered every day before, and they will cook what they bring in.” They gathered one day’s portion each morning, but as soon as it got hot, the frosted flakes on the ground melted. The first day was Sunday, the 16th, the second day was Monday, the 17th, the third day was Tuesday, the 18th, the fourth day was Wednesday, the 19th, the fifth day was Thursday, the 20th, and the sixth day was Friday, the 21st day of the second lunar month. Then on the sixth day they obeyed the command from verse 5: Exodus 16:22, “It came about that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, 4.4 liters for each person. All the leaders of the messianic congregation came and told this to Moses.” Why did they gather twice as much on the sixth day of the week? Because the seventh day, Saturday, the Sabbath, was a rest day on which they were not to gather any manna. The manna from the sixth day lasted through the seventh-day Sabbath, supernaturally preserved by Yahweh! Exodus 16:23-25, “He said to them, “This is what Yahweh has said: ‘Tomorrow is a solemn rest, a holy Sabbath in Yahweh’s honor. Bake what you want to bake, and boil what you want to boil. All that remains over, set it aside for yourselves until morning.’” 24 So they set it aside until morning, as Moses had instructed. It did not become foul, nor was there any worm in it. 25 Moses said, “Eat that food today, for today is a day reserved as a Sabbath to honor Yahweh. Today you will not find it in the fields.” No manna fell from heaven on the seventh-day Sabbath.

Yahweh had just re-synchronized the children of Israel with his seventh-day Sabbath. The word Sabbath is used in verse 23 and 25, Strong’s # 7676, which means an intermission, which Yahweh has commanded to be a solemn day of rest. That word rest is Strong’s # 7677, Shabbathown, meaning a sabbath observance, special holiday, a sabbatism, a rest sabbath. This may give us the first understanding of the seventh-day weekly Sabbath as a special holiday to Yahweh, we rest with Him and for ourselves. That first re-synchronized seventh-day Sabbath occurred on the 22nd of the second lunar month of that year. Notice, though, that Yahweh had the Israelites count six days, not just any date on a lunar month calendar. Six 24-hour days, then the 7th 24-hour day was the Sabbath. Neither Yahweh, nor Moses, tied that first re-synchronized seventh-day Sabbath to a date on a lunar month calendar. It was only determined by counting days, not dates. The Israelites did not determine this Sabbath calendar schedule, Yahweh did. As a side note: That first re-synchronized seventh-day Sabbath would have just happened to be the Fifth Sabbath, if they had been in the land of Canaan, counting the Omer toward the Feast of Shavuot, which they weren’t, so they weren’t.

Now, do any of you see the problem with a lunar Sabbath, dated by dates on a lunar month calendar? Depending on how you do your heretical counting for a lunar Sabbath calendar, you need a perfect 28-day or a perfect 29-day lunar calendar. Lunar Sabbaths would either occur on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the 28th, or they would occur on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month. So, what would the Israelites have done with the extra day or two on their then exact 30-day lunar calendar? There is no Torah instruction on what would have to be done to adjust your calendar each month to handle a lunar Sabbath, scheduled by lunar calendar dates. A lunar Sabbath is simply unscriptural, it is heresy, it is cultic. It is a theory that they try to prove by this portion of Scripture, but the Scripture truth does not bear out a lunar Sabbath. Sabbath is only calculated by counting days, from the first day of creation. In a previous video, I showed you mathematically how I can tie each week’s Sabbath day to the first Sabbath of creation. All weeks in human history are divisible by 7. It’s pretty simple, no selenologist needed.

Exodus 16:25-26, “Moses said, “Eat that food today, for today is a day reserved as a Sabbath to honor Yahweh. Today you will not find it (manna) in the fields. 26 You will gather it during six days, but the seventh day is the Sabbath. On the Sabbath there will be no manna.””

Friends, if you can read English, is that too hard to understand? The seventh day is the Sabbath. The Sabbath is not based on a lunar calendar monthly date number, but on a weekly day number, the 7th day! It does not matter when your lunar, or even a solar, month would begin. The seventh-day Sabbath was established in the first week of creation and has been counted out weekly ever since. There is no alternative Sabbath doctrine, teaching, or theology, revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

Now, dear viewers and readers, do I dare show you the coup de grâce? Look at my manna seventh-day Sabbath spreadsheet. Notice, the next, or second re-synchronized seventh-day Sabbath occurred on the 29th of that 2nd lunar month of that first year in the wilderness. BUT, now count just 7 more days to the 3rd seventh-day re-synchronized Sabbath, which happens to occur in the 3rd lunar month of that year. The 3rd Sabbath occurred on the 6th day of the 3rd lunar month in that first year of the wilderness experience. Just count out three simple Sabbath weeks from Yahweh’s manna re-synchronization test and you have a Sabbath that occurs on the 6th day of a lunar month. According to the heretical lunar sabbatarians, a Sabbath can never occur on the 6th day of a lunar month!! Just 3 weeks into the manna miracle, and BANG, the lunar Sabbath is dead on arrival!

Ok, here it is: Month 2, Day 22, or Iyar 22, 1484 BC, or 2277 Jewish year, was Creation Day Number (CDN) 1,179,514. Divide the CDN by 7 to get the Creation Sabbath Week Number (CSWN) = 168,502. Please double check my work. That first re-synchronized Sabbath was the 168,502nd Sabbath since creation week. I can’t make it any simpler. Today is July 14, 2018 AD, a Sabbath. It is CSWN 351,188. 351,188 – 168,502 = 182,686 Sabbaths since Moses’ re-synchronized Sabbath, give or take a Sabbath for inclusive counting. I can’t make it any simpler than this. Try doing this with your Lunar Sabbath dates.

And look, that Sabbath on the 6th day of the 3rd month would have been the 7th Sabbath in an Omer count towards the Feast of Shavuot, which would have occurred on the 7th day of that 3rd month that year, if they had been in the land of Canaan. And notice further, that a couple weeks later, after they had traveled from the wilderness of Sin to the wilderness of Sinai, they really did get the 10 Words spoken to them from Mt. Sinai, in the 3rd month that year!! That is where the Jewish tradition comes from that the Ten Words were given around the Feast of Shavuot. And what was that 4th Word spoken to them at Mt. Sinai? Oh, that’s right, the seventh-day Sabbath! Go ahead, be brave, read Exodus 20 and look for the 4th Commandment, the seventh-day Sabbath. A lunar Sabbath is not taught there either. What did Yahweh say in the 4th Commandment? Oh, that’s right, He directly tied it to the first Sabbath in the week of creation. He worked six days, then He rested on the seventh day. It’s simple, but oh so hard to obey, apparently.

Gene Benjamin II

July 14, 2018 AD

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