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Our Daily Drink Blog
1 Corinthians 10:4, “All drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from a spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Messiah.”
All Scriptures taken from the Son Of Man Bible, SOMB.bblx e-Sword Bible program module. Son Of Man Bible e-Sword modules (SOMB.bblx and SOMB.bbli), The Word module (SOMB.ont), MySword modules (SOMB.bblx and SOMB.bbli), Bible Analyzer module (SOMB.bib), and LOGOS Bible Import File (SOMB.docx) were created and edited by Gene Benjamin II. These Bible modules are available for download on PC, Apple, Android, and other Linux devices from www.biblesupport.com and www.wordmodules.com. On biblesupport.com do a search for “Unlocked Literal Bible 9” then scroll down, and on wordmodules.com do a search for “Unlocked Literal Bible 9” then scroll down. E-Sword Bible program for PC and Apple devices is available from www.e-sword.net and the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The Word Bible program for PC is available from www.theword.net. MySword Bible app for Android is available from www.mysword.info. Bible Analyzer program is available from www.bibleanalyzer.com. LOGOS Bible software is available from https://www.logos.com/install You can also download the Son Of Man Bible modules from our website Downloads page: https://www.fmcmi.org/downloads.
Marner has uploaded over 1,700 videos to YouTube. Find Marner at youtube.com/@MarnerB