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MILLENNIAL REIGN OF YESHUA – Viewer Questions Answered

Writer's picture: Gene Benjamin IIGene Benjamin II


More Viewer Questions Answered

Welcome folks to my 2nd youtube broadcast. I see that our viewers have many questions about the end times. The endtimes are one of Yahweh’s mysteries, and I don’t begin to claim to understand very much of it. I should have clarified further that when I use years such as 6001 or 7001, those numbers are purely for illustration purposes. For example, 7001 – 6001 = 1,000 years millennial reign. We are not to get hung up on dates, times, days, or years, but we are looking to understand the seasons. We are in the end time season. Yeshua should actually return in the creation year 6000, since it will be the 120th Jubilee from Creation. But the exact date or year of His return is the Father’s choice.

Now, let’s try to answer a few more viewer questions.

1 – “So, I’m a little confused when your husband (Gene) says, “so “we” are going to see that.” If we are now in the year 5777 and Yeshua returns in 6000, isn’t that about 300 years? Our physical bodies would be dead by then, although our spiritual bodies would live on… So is he (your husband Gene) saying that “we”… meaning our childrens’ childrens’ children as in our great great grandchildren?” END OF QUESTION

Again, in my most humble opinion, since we have already entered into everlasting life, whether or not we experience the end times in a physical state, or only in a spiritual state, or physically, then die in the Great Tribulation, we will see all events from now on into eternity future. We will either see the end times unfold with physical eyes, or with spiritual eyes, or physical then spiritual, but we will see all the exciting prophecies fulfilled. Another way to express this would be to say that all the Kingdom witnesses will see all Yahweh’s Bible prophecies fulfilled.

The year 5777 is the Jewish calendar year, which is a calculated year, and has nothing to do with Yahweh’s creation calendar. Many men have tried to pinpoint what year B.C. was the creation year. I don’t believe anyone really knows, even though men can come up with some pretty impressive calculations. If this year is 5777 Jewish calendar, then they must believe that the creation year was 3761 B.C. (year 1 on the Jewish calendar). But these kinds of assumptions are just that, men’s best guess assumptions. Most Bible scholars believe the creation year was 200-400 years before 3761 B.C., something like 4000 B.C. or earlier.

As a side note, since 2009 AD, I’ve invested hundreds of hours building biblical chronology spreadsheets. What an incredible learning experience. I am not a Bible scholar, and I don’t believe any one of my spreadsheets is suitable for prime time, but I use them for personal study, and to check the claims of men. As I learned back in my accounting career, figures never lie, but liars figure, so I use my sheets to check the calculations of men. My sheets are built on the shoulders of some of the greatest chronology scholars in Christendom.

May I indulge for a moment? May I tell you how and when Yahweh hooked me on biblical chronology? I was plugging along in my Christian walk when one day in the spring of 2009, I began reading Ezekiel 1:1, “And it happened in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth of the month, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of Yahweh.” As I read that phrase, “in the thirtieth year” the Holy Spirit just exploded the truth to my spirit that Ezekiel was telling us that he was in the 30th year of the Jubilee Cycle! In that instant, I was hooked on sacred Bible chronology and began building chronology spreadsheets. I currently have 19 of these spreadsheets, with about 6,000 lines each, and up to 40 columns wide. Friends, that’s at least 5 feet wide by at least 60 feet long, if you were to print one out, and that’s a short estimate. I haven’t put much time into the sheets lately, because my brain doesn’t want to focus like it used to. But that’s another story. Ok, back to our viewers questions. . .

2 – “Does he (me, Gene) believe in a 7 or 3 1/2 yr. Tribulation period?” The Bible only reveals a 3 ½ year Great Tribulation period. We find that in the texts describing 42 months (Rev 11:2, 13:5), 1260 days (Rev. 12:6), 1290 days (Dan. 12:11), and 1335 days (Dan. 12:12), and in the time, times, and half a time passages (Dan. 12:7; Rev 12:14). Daniel’s 2300 days (Dan. 8:14) may reveal a 7 year general tribulation period, but notice Daniel mentions 2300 evening mornings (2 words in the Hebrew), which could be translated as 1150 days, again closer to a 3 ½ year time period. I’ve discussed these periods of time in several of my blogs at . Speaking of which, my notes to these video teachings will be available on my blog also.

3 – “Where does he (Gene) think we are on Yahweh’s timeline?” I believe we are very close to the end of human history as we know it. Yeshua should return on or before 2030 AD. It’s not so much knowing a date, or day and time, or a point on a timeline, but we’re looking for events to happen. We are expecting a war with Iran, the Daniel 8 war, to break out at any moment. Also, the Psalm 83 war, or the Ezekiel 39 war. I am amazed at the world’s and Yahweh’s restraint. Don’t watch the clock, look for prophetic events to occur. If America, and Americans, do not repent, expect to see America wiped off the map, not Israel. Israel’s land may get divided according to prophecy (Joel 3:2), but Israel is not going away, ever. World War III is already upon us, as it is being fought in cyberspace right now, but will become a shooting war soon. The Wormwood disaster should occur soon, see Revelation 8:10-11. And please do not pray against any of these things, because we want Yeshua to return to earth, so bring all this stuff on Yahweh!!

4 – “Does he (Gene) believe most saints will be martyred in the Great Tribulation?” Yes. Dead or alive, we are with Yeshua, and will see all the Great Tribulation events occur, including the return of our King, Yeshua HaMashiach, by rapture or resurrection!!

If you would like to learn more about what events to look for in the near future, may I recommend Tim McHyde’s website: He has a great book for sale.

If you would like to watch an excellent video series on the Book of Revelation, search youtube for Steven Anderson’s 22 videos on Revelation. Both Mr. McHyde and Mr. Anderson have great charts about the end time. Also, Irvin Baxter at Endtime Ministries has a lot of knowledge on the endtimes.

If you are interested in sacred biblical chronology and would like one of my spreadsheets to look at or study with, just ask, and I’ll email one to you. Marner and I are not professional e-book publishers, but Marner has a couple e-books, which you are welcome to request. My first e-book is titled, “Sacred Chronology” that goes with one of my spreadsheets. My second e-book is titled, “Yeshua Advent 2.0”, which you are welcome to request. It is basically a biblical response to the pre-trib rapture theory. This e-book is in .epub , .mobi , .pdf ,or .doc format at the moment. Soon, I may try converting it into an e-Sword .topx module, so you can just plug it into your e-Sword Bible program. I highly recommend you get your hands on e-Sword for PC, Mac, or iPad. I have dozens of e-Sword modules that I could recommend to you. Download e-Sword at You can download additional Bibles and other resources from right inside of the e-Sword program, or you can purchase modules at:

You can download FREE e-Sword modules at:

e-Sword is the simplest to use Bible program, in my humble opinion, as well as the least expensive to get started with.

Shalom, and I hope to see you in the rapture/resurrection soon and very soon!!

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Gene and Marner Benjamin started Fill My Cup Ministries in 2010. Go to the About Us page to learn more.




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