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Writer's picture: Gene Benjamin IIGene Benjamin II

I do not recall if I’ve ever blogged on this Bible chronology synchronization before. There are several Scripture passages that show us this synchronization of Bible chronology.

Ezekiel 1:1-2, “In the thirtieth year (of the 50-year Jubilee Cycle), on the fifth of the fourth month, it came about that I was living among the captives by the Chebar Canal. The heavens opened, and I saw visions of the Almighty. 2 On the fifth of that month, it was the fifth year (c. 594 BC) of the exile of King Jehoiachin.”

This passage is what opened up Bible chronology for me. Ezekiel, as a priest, was tracking the Hebrew Jubilee calendar! That 30th year cannot be tied to any other understanding or solution other than the 30th year of the Hebrew Jubilee Cycle. The proof is found in our second passage of Scripture.

Eze 40:1, “In the twenty-fifth year (c. 574 BC, Ezekiel’s Jubilee year!) of our captivity at the beginning of the year (Heb. Rosh HaShanah; To my knowledge, this is the ONLY passage in Scripture where the phrase Rosh HaShanah is found.) on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was captured, on that same day, the hand of Yehowah was upon me, and he took me there.”

This verse reveals Ezekiel recording the Jubilee in his lifetime. When Ezekiel uses the phrase “on that same day”, he’s letting us know that on that 10th day of the 7th month, he is declaring the Jubilee year. Of course, it just happens to be 20 years AFTER the 30th year defined in Ezekiel 1:1, thus revealing what Bible chronologists call a synchronism. Ezekiel was also tracking the years of his captivity with King Jehoiachin, the 25th year minus the 5th year equal the 20 years from the 30th year of the Jubilee cycle until the Jubilee in the 50th year, shown in Ezekiel 40:1. Thus we have Ezekiel’s Jubilee Cycle synchronized within the Book of Ezekiel.

Well, if that is not enough, let’s move to the historical book of 1 Maccabees 6:20, 49, and 53 to see another synchronization of Ezekiel’s Jubilee Cycle, which includes the 7-year sabbatical year cycles, 7 of those per each Jubilee Cycle of 49 years. The 1st year and the 50th year of the Jubilee Cycle are one and the same year. It’s the only way the Jubilee Cycle works out and synchronizes with actual biblical history and modern history.

1 Maccabees 6:20, 49, and 53, “So they came together, and besieged them in the hundred and fiftieth year (150th year of the Seleucid calendar synchronizes to 162 BC), and he made mounts for shot against them, and other engines. . . 49 But with them that were in Bethzur he made peace: for they came out of the city, because they had no victuals there to endure the siege, since it was a sabbatical year for the land (162 BC). . . 53 Yet at the last, their vessels being without victuals, for that it was the seventh year (162 BC), and they in Judea that were delivered from the nations, had eaten up the residue of the store.”

We see here that Bethzur was put under a siege, but they gave up quickly, because it was a 7th year, or sabbatical year, for the land of Israel. They had not planted any crops since the 6th year, so they were short on food supplies. I verified the synchronization of dates by taking the year 7 (575 BC), which was the year before the Jubilee in 574 BC, and subtracting it from 162 BC, another 7th year sabbatical year in the chronology of Israel. 575-162=413 / 7 = 59 sabbatical years had been either celebrated or at least acknowledged from 575 BC through 162 BC. We know this is so because 413 is evenly divisible by 7. Folks, that’s over 400 years of synchronized Biblical chronology and history. I did not make this chronology up, I just found these synchronized dates while building and editing my Sacred Chronology spreadsheet and reading through the story of the Maccabees for the Feast of Hanukkah. I’m sure I noticed the significance of the dates before now, but I didn’t have the time to write this up until today.

You can double check this synchronization using other year reference systems, like the Jewish years, or my biblical solar years, found in my Sacred Chronology spreadsheet, downloadable from our website at: Here’s what I mean: 162 BC is Jewish year 3600. 575 BC is Jewish year 3187. 3600-3187=413 / 7 = 59 sabbatical years either celebrated, or at least recognized in ancient Hebrew history. 162 BC is my solar year 5493. 575 BC is my solar year 5080. 5493-5080=413 / 7 = 59 sabbatical years either celebrated or at least recognized. Using either Jewish years or my solar years from my Sacred Chronology Spreadsheet makes it much easier to calculate elapsed years when dealing with BC/AD years. But do you want to know what’s really cool? I can calculate how many sabbatical years there have been since the Israelis moved into Canaan 40 years after the Exodus, until the present time! Here it is: 2030 AD will be Jewish year 5791 and my solar year 7684. The first sabbatical year from back in Joshua’s day, after his wars in Canaan (1597 BC), when the Hebrews began counting sabbatical years in 1603 BC after 7 years of war, during Joshua’s judge year 8, was Jewish year 2165 and my solar year 4058. 7684-4058=3626 / 7 = 518 sabbatical years from 1597 BC until 2030 AD using my solar years calendar system. 5791-2165=3626 / 7 = 518 sabbatical years from 1597 BC to 2030 AD using the Jewish years calendar system.

So, what is the significance for us today? Well, following Ezekiel’s Jubilee Cycles up until modern times, right up to recent history, we see that 2023 AD was also a 7th year sabbatical year for the land of Israel! So what you say? Well, I propose that since 2024 AD was then year 1 of the next 7-year sabbatical year cycle, we are, or will be, entering the 2nd year of the 7-year Tribulation in 2025 AD! You might want to take notes and try to keep up with Yeshua and his Father. I have not been able to keep up, because I’ve been quite focused over the last 3 years with many family and ministry issues. But, it’s time to get a handle on endtimes prophecies!

What does this mean? Well, the Antimessiah should be revealed around Passover of 2027 AD, and Yeshua should return around the Feast of Trumpets in the year 2030 AD! That will be 2,000 years (or 2 days in Heaven time) from his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in 30 AD! I’m not setting a date, because I don’t know for sure, but it seems pretty clear to me that we’ve missed the pre-tribulation rapture. This does fly in the face of the pre-tribulation rapture theorists again. We’ve all been left behind. Yehowah may just be following the age-old Jubilee Cycle that Ezekiel revealed in his prophetic Book that bears his name. I love Ezekiel, because he and Daniel have opened up all of Bible chronology and prophecy to Yah’s people.

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Gene and Marner Benjamin started Fill My Cup Ministries in 2010. Go to the About Us page to learn more.




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